Friday 13 April 2012

The Beginnings of Cakeful

Cupcakes were made for parties since around 2002. The recipes improved and the baker got better at decorating. Cupcakes started to look oh so pretty! In 2010, the baker was asked to make cupcakes for someone else’s party and was paid for it. That person told another person and soon the baker was very busy as she baked more and more cupcakes. In 2012, she decided that she would like to bake professionally so she set out to make this happen. With a brand new logo designed by her best friend and a little bit of effort, cakeful was created. The baker was me. Here you can follow me of my journey of ups and downs as I try to make something of cakeful. Baking doesn’t always go right so I’d like to share everything with you. Maybe, I’ll even share some cake. An about me section is on it’s way!